24 Hour Stats
Overall Stats
Blocks Stats
Average Fee
Average fee in the block
Average Fee Rate
Average Transaction Size
Average transaction size in the block
Median Fee
Truncated median fee in the block
Median Transaction Size
Truncated median transaction size
Total Out
Total amount in all outputs (excluding coinbase and thus reward [ie subsidy + totalfee])
Total Size
Total size of all non-coinbase transactions
Total Fee
The fee total
Miners Revenue (USD)
Total value in USD of coinbase block rewards and transaction fees paid to miners
CDD Total
Coin Days Destroyed
Average Transaction Rate per Second
Average number of confirmed transactions over a 24 hour period
Transaction Count
Total transactions in a block
Mining Difficulty
A relative measure of how difficult it is to mine a new block for the blockchain
UTXO Count
The total number of unspent transaction outputs
UTXO Count Extended
The total number of unspent transaction outputs regardless of their value or type
Total Hash Rate
The estimated number of hashes per second the bsv network is performing in the last 24 hours