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2021-05-06 07:27:48
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  • jm €šb´#Ö"$Ñ3ƌ¶ÙQ‚+0ÐCîWŸ/·;Ü“M¾L-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 旧的列表: old list: 毒品像一个魔鬼,摧毁了无数的家庭。明星作为公众人物,他们的一举一动可以说都会给社会带来很大的影响。他们应该甚至要受到更重的法律处罚 Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law 1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5% 1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked. 1-1. 1-1.More Info: 1-1. 1-1. 1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3% 1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned. 1-2. 1-2.More Info: 1-2. 1-2. 1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5% 1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous for taking drugs. Please punish him. 1-3. 1-3.More Info: 1-3. 1-3. 1-4.满文军,吸毒对社会影响太不好,我恨所有吸毒人员。 3% 1-4.Man Wenjun, drug use is too bad for society. I hate all drug users. 1-4. 1-4.More Info: 1-4. 1-4. 1-5.莫少聪,竟然在演唱会上吸毒,太可恨以及嚣张了。 5% 1-5.Mo Shaocong, taking drugs at the concert, is too hateful and arrogant. 1-5. 1-5.More Info: 1-5. 1-5. 1-6.张元导演,骄傲的说过他尝过世界上所有的毒品,造成的影响太坏,应该得到惩罚。 3% 1-6.Director Zhang Yuan proudly said that he had tasted all the drugs in the world. The impact was too bad and deserved to be punished. 1-6. 1-6.More Info: 1-6. 1-6. 1-7.张默,厨房摆满吸毒工具,不知捡点,祸害粉丝,可恨。 2% 1-7.Zhang Mo, the kitchen is full of drug-taking tools, I don't know where to pick it up, and it is hateful to the fans. 1-7. 1-7.More Info: 1-7. 1-7. 1-8.李代沫,吸毒后还酒后驾驶,不注意对社会的影响,应该封杀。 5% 1-8.Li Daimo, who still drunk driving after taking drugs, does not pay attention to the impact on society, and should be banned. 1-8. 1-8.More Info: 1-8. 1-8. 1-9.高虎,吸毒17年,为什么不被封杀。 2% 1-9.Gao Hu, who has used drugs for 17 years, why not be baned. 1-9. 1-9.More Info: 1-9. 1-9. 1-10.王学兵,14岁开始吸毒,后面竟然还出名了,为什么不封杀。 3% 1-10.Wang Xuebing, who started taking drugs at the age of 14, became famous later, why not block him. 1-10. 1-10.More Info: 1-10. 1-10. 1-11.尹相杰,她曾说过大麻是世界上最好的毒品,作为公众人物,影响太不好了. 1% 1-11. 1-11.More Info: 1-11. 1-11. 我因为吃了不干净的外卖住院还丢掉了工作,我讨厌所有不合格的,以及不干净的外卖店,希望能得到整治。 I was hospitalized and lost my job because I ate unclean takeaways. I hate all unqualified and unclean takeaway shops, hoping to get rectified. 2-1.悦来饭店(叶家路) 到处都是污秽,煤气灶、高压锅等厨具上满是油垢。 2% 2-1.Yuelai Hotel (Yejia Road) is dirty everywhere, and kitchen utensils such as gas stoves and pressure cookers are covered with grease. 2-1. 2-2.鱼大大无骨烤鱼饭,后厨环境脏乱,灶台油垢较多,垃圾桶无盖,灶台下、墙角旁满是垃圾,墙壁油垢发霉。 1% 2-2.Boneless grilled fish rice, the kitchen environment is dirty and messy, the stove has a lot of grease, the trash can has no cover, the stove and the corners are full of garbage, and the walls are moldy with grease. 2-2. 2-3.水煮超人,两名食品从业人员现场不能提供有效健康证。 5% 2-3.Boiled Superman, two food practitioners were unable to provide valid health certificates on site. 2-3. 2-4.开元街沙县老店,厨房内发现过期食品,消毒柜中放置纸盒、塑料袋等杂物,未正常使用。 2% 2-4.Kaiyuan Street Shaxian Old Store, Kaiyuan Street, expired food was found in the kitchen. Paper boxes, plastic bags and other sundries were placed in the disinfection cabinet, which were not used normally. 2-4. 2-5.豪哥肉蟹煲,正准备供顾客使用的集中式消毒餐具已过期,消毒柜未接通电源,未见使用。 3% 2-5.Hao Ge Crab Pot, the centralized disinfection tableware that is being prepared for customers has expired, and the disinfection cabinet is not connected to the power supply and has not been used. 2-5. 2-6.神仙居早餐,操作间面粉、食用油等食品着地放置,物品摆放凌乱,地上有垃圾,操作间台子上放置的一包已开封的肉松,内发现有蟑螂。 1% 2-6.Shenxianju breakfast, flour, edible oil and other foods were placed on the ground in the operation room. The items were placed in a mess. There was rubbish on the ground. A package of opened meat floss was placed on the table in the operation room. Cockroaches were found inside. 2-6. 2-7.爱尚黄焖鸡米饭,厨房内无防尘防蝇设施,物品摆放凌乱。 2% 2-7.Yellow Braised Chicken Rice, There are no dust-proof and fly-proof facilities in the kitchen, and the items are placed in a mess. 2-7. 2-8.多加米炒饭,操作间内直接设置卫生间。 5% 2-8.Doga Rice Fried Rice, The toilet is directly set in the operation room. 2-8. 2-9.轻食与沙拉,冰箱、盛放食品的容器污秽不洁,墙面有霉斑油垢。 2% 2-9.Refrigerators and food containers are dirty and dirty, and there are mildew and grease stains on the walls. 2-9. 2-10.七星西鹭鸭胫店,盗用别人餐厅名称,谋取暴利。 3% 2-10.Seven Star Xilu Duck Shann Shop, Misappropriating other people's restaurant names for huge profits. 2-10. 根据企业和群众反映的问题发现,部分地方和单位违规收费、增加企业和群众负担的典型问题 3-1.山西省运城市住房公积金管理中心的员工,强制要求缴存单位购买第三方数字证书认证服务 1% 3-1.Employees of the Housing Provident Fund Management Center in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, compulsorily require depositors to purchase third-party digital certificate authentication services 3-1. 3-2.内蒙古自治区包头市公安局的员工, 强制电动自行车由指定企业安装智能防盗系统和车牌并收费。 3% 3-2.Employees of the Public Security Bureau of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, forced designated companies to install smart anti-theft systems and license plates for electric bicycles and charge a fee. 3-2. 3-3.内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗自来水公司员工, 违规向用户收取更换水表费用。 5% 3-3.Employees of Yijinhuoluo Banner Water Supply Company in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region charged users for water meter replacement in violation of regulations. 3-3. 3-4.安徽省蚌埠市劳动保障事务服务中心的员工, 违规收取人事档案保管费。 1% 3-4.Employees of Bengbu Labor and Social Security Affairs Service Center in Anhui Province charged personnel file storage fees in violation of regulations. 3-4. 3-5.合肥市兴泰融资担保集团有限公司领导, 通过购买银行理财产品等方式获利,非法占有应退还开发商或支付给公积金管理中心利息收入。 2% 3-5.The leader of Hefei Xingtai Financial Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. makes profits by purchasing bank wealth management products. The illegal possession should be returned to the developer or paid to the provident fund management center for interest income. 3-5. 3-6.山东省临沂市沂水县民政局婚姻服务中心员工, 违规收费,临沂市沂水县民政局婚姻登记处以结婚登记证照片要统一“编码”为由,强制要求婚姻登记须到指定的沂水县婚姻服务中心冲洗带有“编码”的照片。 3% 3-6.An employee of the Marriage Service Center of the Yishui County Civil Affairs Bureau of Linyi City, Shandong Province, charged illegal fees. The marriage registration office of the Yishui County Civil Affairs Bureau of Linyi City forced the marriage registration to go to the designated Yishui County on the grounds that the photo of the marriage registration certificate should be uniformly "coded." The marriage service center develops photos with "codes". 3-6. 3-7.中国电信河南郑州分公司员工, 限制“靓号”用户携转,并要求收取高额违约金。 2% 3-7.The employees of China Telecom Henan Zhengzhou Branch restricted the portability of “pretty account” users and demanded high liquidated damages. 3-7. 3-8.潍坊市住房和城乡建设局及其下属事业单位职员, 未认真落实清理评比达标表彰活动要求,默许潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会违规组织评比达标表彰活动并变相收取费用。 5% 3-8.The staff of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Weifang City and its affiliated institutions failed to seriously implement the requirements for the clean-up evaluation and commendation activities, and acquiesced to the Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association to organize the evaluation and commendation activities in violation of regulations and charge fees in disguise. 3-8. 3-9.潍坊市住房和城乡建设局及其下属事业单位员工, 违规将自身应承担的建筑起重机械备案铭牌制作费用转嫁给市场主体承担,潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会借用政府部门行政权力垄断铭牌制作业务并收费敛财。 5% 3-9.The staff of Weifang Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and its affiliated public institutions violated the regulations and transferred the production cost of construction hoisting machinery registration nameplates to market entities. Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association borrowed the administrative power of government departments to monopolize the production of nameplates. And collect money through fees. 3-9. 3-10.潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会成员, 财务管理极为混乱,违规为潍坊市住房和城乡建设局下属事业单位及个人报销大量款项,有关单位和人员大肆挥霍、侵占社团资产。 3% 3-10.Members of the Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association have extremely chaotic financial management. They violated regulations to reimburse a large amount of money for institutions and individuals affiliated to the Weifang Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau. The relevant units and personnel squandered and infringed on the assets of the association. 3-10. 3-11.浙江省嘉兴市部分初中学校的老师, 推行“平板教学”存在违规分班变相强制捆绑销售。 2% 3-11.Teachers in some junior high schools in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, implemented "flat-panel teaching" in violation of regulations and forced bundle sales in disguised form. 3-11. ======================================================================== 您好,这是我更新的列表: Hello, this is my updated list: 我是一名环保工作者,在这个弱肉强食的世界,我们国家的人民真是体现的淋漓尽致,很多有钱,又有权的人欺负弱小,就连校园,孩子们之间也有很多霸凌事件,也有很多不文明的现象,他们都不觉得自己行为可耻,反而引以为傲。 3% I am an environmental protection worker. In this world of the jungle, the people of our country are really incisive. Many rich and powerful people bully the weak. Even on campus, there are many bullying incidents and uncivilized phenomena among children. They don't think their behavior is shameful, but they are proud of it. 1:一辆白色霸道越野车辱骂环卫工,臭要饭的,自以为自己有钱,对环卫工人随意辱骂,实在过分。 7% 1: A white domineering off-road vehicle insults sanitation workers. It's too much for a beggar who thinks he has money and insults sanitation workers at will. 2:男子张某当街殴打环卫工,还是一位老人,老人哀嚎不断,张某却不罢手。 9% 2: The man Zhang beat the sanitation worker in the street, but he was still an old man. The old man wailed constantly, but Zhang did not stop. 3:广东东圃广场小区,三名女子带着6条没有栓绳子的狗在小区里闲逛,清洁工规劝他们清洁狗粪,确遭到辱骂,说清洁工的命不如他们的狗值钱,这样的行为真的是势力而又无耻。 6% 3: In Dongpu square community of Guangdong Province, three women strolled around with six dogs without ropes. The cleaners advised them to clean dog dung. They were really insulted, saying that the cleaners' lives were not as valuable as their dogs. Such behavior is really powerful and shameless. 4:富豪女因为衣服被弄脏,不仅辱骂环卫工,还要求环卫工给她下跪道歉。 3% 4: Rich woman because her clothes were dirty, not only insulted sanitation workers, but also asked sanitation workers to kneel down and apologize to her. 5:贵州一位马姓中年妇女因为乱扔垃圾被清洁工阻止,清洁工由此被马某某辱骂,言语不堪入耳,这样没有公共道德的行为实在应该被管制已经严惩。 7% 5: A middle-aged woman surnamed MA in Guizhou was stopped by a dustman for littering. The dustman was insulted by Ma, and her words were hard to hear. Such behavior without public morality should be controlled and severely punished. 6:一位开着奥迪的司机车窗抛垃圾还对环卫工出言不逊,没有任何公共道德。 9% 6: There is no public morality for an Audi driver to throw rubbish out of his car window and speak ill of sanitation workers. 7:高速路应急车道被不文明的司机占道行驶,导致真正有事故需要救援的车辆或者人得不了保障,增加了危险系数。 7% 7: The emergency lane of expressway is occupied by uncivilized drivers, which leads to the fact that the vehicles or people who need rescue can not be guaranteed, and increases the risk factor. 8:节假日期间,很多游客为了表示自己到某地旅游过,在一些保护树木或者文物墙上刻字,写的某某到此一游,这样破坏环境的行为真应该得到惩罚。比如少林寺竹林被刻字。 6% 8: During the holidays, many tourists, in order to show that they have traveled to a certain place, engrave words on the walls of some protected trees or cultural relics to write that they have traveled to this place. Such acts of damaging the environment should be punished. For example, the bamboo grove of Shaolin Temple is engraved. 9:西安旅游景区,游客攀爬西安城墙,导致城墙脱落或者存在危险因素,应该得到制止。 6% 9: In Xi'an tourist attractions, tourists climbing the Xi'an city wall, leading to the wall falling off or risk factors, should be stopped. 10:云南省电子信息高级技工学校(滇池校区)的女生小吴,被6名同班同学拳脚相向,打至左耳鼓膜穿孔。 2% 10: Xiao Wu, a female student of Yunnan electronic information senior technical school (Dianchi campus), was punched by six classmates, causing perforation of tympanic membrane in her left ear. 11:甘肃陇西县渭河初级中学一名初二男生被五名学生殴打致重伤,送医院抢救无效后死亡。 9% 11: A boy of grade two in Weihe junior middle school in Longxi County of Gansu Province was seriously injured by five students and died after being sent to the hospital. 12:河北邢台,清河挥公实验中学12岁女生遭室友殴打,胳膊后腰等多处淤青,诊断显示肋骨骨折、肾积水。 7% 12: A 12-year-old girl from Huagong experimental middle school in Qinghe, Xingtai, Hebei Province, was beaten by her roommate. Her arms, back and waist were bruised. The diagnosis showed rib fracture and hydronephrosis. 13:婷婷,就读于陕西省商洛市商丹高新学校初中一年级,从入校起就被班主任老师言语侮辱,长达20多个小时,合计一百多条侮辱的言语。 3% 13: Tingting, a freshman in Shangdan High Tech School in Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province, was insulted by the head teacher for more than 20 hours, totaling more than 100 insults. Address: 19pcWiHQ4rEs7aFKbS6okpbT4EWPG8RJMt -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 19pcWiHQ4rEs7aFKbS6okpbT4EWPG8RJMt HBwqBG6DAdAsUl39neN8w25BemVD3RZJiVptGj7e1cwqya7dSgj7viR2GgrQD3Pmz2W0F0g1V9gfyzMCRtKxSBw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----