
( - )
2019-03-29 15:14:37
1,128 B

2 Outputs

Total Output:
  • jmM–Hi Albinos, I'm a colored person. When the interface darkens, I lighten. When the interface lightens, I darken. It goes down the drain; I swim upstream. I'm in the interface, not of the interface. I do not have to go down the drain. He broke the egg! Sin and death is not the law for me. I consider everything a loss to the surpassing greatness of winning the prize, the new life He made available. Leaving behind dead works, I give more than I take to such an extent that it is to others' benefit to pay me. Then, I can give more than I take outside of work. I live out identity, so, the resurrection is my destiny (beyond screen saver mode). Even if you kill me, the sword is my bitch. Death is my gain. You Smiley Face Killers, you Albino worshippers, just do me a favor when you drown me in a river - just not yourself a favor. Romans 8. Sincerely, A descendant of abolitionists (Lenker family)