
( - )
2019-04-14 09:49:37
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  • jm EdMu Bitcoin BTC, MSM, Western Gov, NATO/UN, All Controlled by Richest Capitalists (Deep State) Everything in western society is controlled by top richest Capitalists Bitcoin BTC is hijacked by bankers through Blockstream. BTC no longer works or represents Bitcoin system, and people are fooled using army of propaganda puppets from r/bitcoin, YouTube and Twitter, to socially engineer PoSM consensus (same how the US state lies and using propaganda create consensus for WARS) to change the system in BTC and sabotage it, so that its no longer usable... and this is exactly what they have done. MSM are owned by handful of Capitalists, they are all privately owned businesses who no longer have anything to do with journalism and everything to do with spreading propaganda narrative which benefits the Deep State (the top richest Capitalists) and their puppets in MSM who get paid well, and governments, who also get paid well.. TO LIE TO YOU All western governments are controlled by the Deep State, using US military (US really has no other industry left beside social media giants, military industry and pharmaceuticals industry) to hold on power in most of the world with some 1000 military bases outside the US. That alone should be clear sign that it is no one other than US that is trying to take over the world and that is is America that is the evil bully in the world.. and all of this is because these Capitalists who own all these businesses (oil, steel, weapons, pharma, etc) that profit from these wars, by forcing the people into submission, installing their own prostitutes (so called governments) who are bought out and sellouts of their own people, so that they can steal the natural resources and make tons MORE money (as if they don't have enough already) off of misery of others. With arrest of Julian Assange, this is more and more looking like open Fascism, Israel has been doing this for decades (and Israel, the Fascist regime is US best ally... no surprise there at all) and freedom of speech is oppressed more and more... I am being censored already by YouTube, also Twitter, I left that shitty Facebook long time ago, eventually I will leave Twitter and YouTube also, as there is no life left in these CIA controlled media platforms which is designed to filter out true good content, and feed you propaganda and fake news, in all of these aspects. FASCISM IS ON THE RISE, USA IS THE DRIVING FORCE AND THINGS ARE GOING TO GET VERY UGLY FOR EVERYONE BEFORE THEY CAN GET BETTER... AND THEY CAN ONLY GET BETTER IF WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, ALL OVER THE WORLD, UNITE AGAINST THEM... NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR US. Qanon is fake, nothing but distraction, and Trump is not playing any 4D/5D chess... you are suckers if you still think he is... Trump used to say he loves Wikileaks... and now... he's showing his true face... face of a liar, which is what he really is.