
( - )
2020-01-15 07:24:16
3,770 B

3 Outputs

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  • j"19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAutM; **1. Chess! (Bitcoin to BTC, 2009 -> 2017)** Let’s assume you’re playing a game of chess with someone. You’ve agreed upon the rules before you start to play, of course. After playing the game for a few turns, you attempt to move your queen diagonally to capture your opponent’s knight. Your opponent says “Hey, you can’t move your queen diagonally! It can only move left and right!” Who is still playing the game of “chess”? a) You b) Your opponent c) All of the above d) None of the above Well, that depends on your point of view. From your perspective, your opponent is cheating by not allowing a move that was valid. From your opponent’s perspective, you are cheating by making a move they think is no longer valid. From a spectator’s perspective, either move you make is valid, so regardless of which move you make, they think you are both still playing chess. In the above scenario, your opponent is playing a “soft fork” of chess. A “soft fork” is a change to the rules such that certain things that were valid, are no longer valid. This of course means that anything that is valid in the “soft fork” rule set, is by definition valid within the original rule set. You have no choices. Proceed to section 2. **2. Bingo! (BTC-> BTC/BCH split event) (2017->2018)** Let’s assume you’re playing a game of bingo with 3 people. You’ve agreed upon the rules before you start to play, of course. All three players put $1 each into the prize pool, for a total prize of $3. After playing for a few minutes, you are close to filling in a row! Just then, 100 more people want to join the game with fresh cards, each ready to add $1 into the prize pool. What do you do? a) Let everyone else join (proceed to section 3) b) Tell them to go play somewhere else. (see conclusion a) **3. Checkers! (BCH ->BCH/BSV split event) (2018)** Let’s assume you’re playing a game of chess with someone. You’ve agreed upon the rules before you start to play, of course. After playing the game for a few turns, your opponent carefully draws tanks on all of the pieces on the board. Once finished, they rotate one of their pieces so the tank points at one of your pieces. Their eyes widen as they take a big breath, then shout “BOOM!” at the top of their lungs as they throw your piece into the air. Are you still playing checkers? a) Yes, and it’s awesome now! (see conclusion b) b) No, but it’s awesome now! (see conclusion c) c) No, there are no tanks in checkers. (proceed to section 4) **4. The Return of the Chess! (BSV -> BSV Genesis) (2020)** Remember that game of chess you were playing a while ago? (The one where your opponent said queens can only move left and right) Your opponent looks at the rule book and says “Sorry, my mistake… queens *can* move diagonally”. What now? a) I knew it! Queens can move diagonally! Let’s keep playing chess. (see conclusion c) b) Queens cannot move diagonally! Burn the rule book! (see conclusion b) **Conclusions:** a) BTC is bitcoin b) BCH is bitcoin c) BSV is bitcoin **Cognitive dissonance voice: “But BTC is the original Bitcoin! BCH is a hard fork, and BSV is a hard fork of a hard fork! Only BTC is the original because it is a soft fork.”** Sooo…. You’re saying that a game of chess where you’re not allowed to move a queen diagonally is… the “real chess”? text/markdownUTF-8!Bitcoin choose your own adventure| Çã$&zرÌ?èÚlØQ:š‚ó-Æò[@ⴎ9·ðbitpastembtip226