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2019-06-16 15:14:27
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  • jm CapitalismM=%I've made this comment to Sir Toshi V latest video on YouTube, as I was really pissed off with them talking garbage about Socialism and Capitalism, and people like some GiuM guy who said is from Spain and Salty talking crap also, and get offended when I called them brainwashed: I've been pointing out to you guys that you don't actually understand what Capitalism is, and because I am pro-Socialism, and I have very good reasons for it, which I have tried to explain to all of you but you don't seem to want to listen (sounds familiar when you talk how people in BTC, LTC, BCH etc don't want to listen about BSV, CSW etc?) you keep ignoring everything I say. So just now, at around 8:30 min mark, you made a claim that most tax revenue comes from corporations, and I knew this was false, so I looked it up, and I was correct in that it was false... have a look at the chart from 2017 state tax revenue and where people's personal income, which is income of the working class people, people who actually create all the wealth from their own work, which is then extracted by the business owners (aka capitalists) which makes the owners richer and workers ever so poorer (its because % of wealth created always increases on the side of the Capitalists and reduces on the side of the working class people), and compare that tax revenue to one from corporations.... corporations actually pay WAY LESS then workers. So again, I can easily prove you wrong about your understanding of economics, because your understanding is based on flawed and false narrative created by capitalism, which is detached from true reality and ignores all social aspects, which is why economy in capitalism always has these booms and busts, as this is how the system is designed to work, to extract as much wealth in each boom, and when that Ponzi can no longer sustain itself, it crashes, and the rich people (capitalists) get out first, letting the whole thing crash, working people get screwed and lose their savings, and then new cycle is repeated, over and over. And so to explain your flaws in understanding of what Capitalism is, once again: - Capitalism is not about free trade or markets. Trade and markets exists in ANY type of economic system, it exists in Monarchy, Slavery, Feudalism, State Capitalism and Communism (worker coops) - Capitalism is not about competition, businesses and people working in them compete no matter what system is used (same as above) - Capitalism is not about specialisation, again this organisational structure within a business exists in Capitalism, State Capitalism and Communism (worker coops) - There is no such thing as Crony Capitalism, there are only Crony people. System rules do not change depending on the personal ideas or character of the capitalists. The OUTCOME of the capitalist business individually is what changes. The rule of Capitalism does not. So what is Capitalism really... it is just PRIVATISATION, that is all there is to it, it is a system which says that means of production (aka businesses) are privately owned, and ONLY RULE of Capitalist system is that the owner (aka Capitalist) makes all decisions (if he chooses so, it is up to the capitalists what he wants to do). The capitalist system is thought of in this loose way, with extremely lose rules (basically there aren't any) because the people who were already the top wealthy class, the bourgeoisie, which is families who came from families of monarchy and their top servants who got rewarded land and workers (peasants) to work for them, which is a system with very distinct MASTER / SERVANT type relation, which then carried on in Salvery, Feudalism and again in Capitalism. I've also explained that only difference between Feudalism and Capitalism is the place of production. Both are based on privatisation, in Feudalism its the land that is privately owned and people farmed on feudalist's land and made the land lord money, in capitalism farming is replaced with factories. Specialisation is thought of in order to speed up and create higher output of production so that capitalist can maximise profits. And as I mentioned, this specialisation is used in State Capitalism also, and is used on Communism also, but if you chose to remain igorant, you will still not get the root of it all, same how people don't get Bitcoin properly either. I've also explained why PoW is not a Capitalists system of production because in capitalism, capitalisn just OWNS the business, meaning they have CAPITAL STAKE, which is what PoS is all about, where the capitalist gets rewards in form of profit from work that was done by other people... the WORKERS, while in Bitcoin mining, the miners are the workers, and unlike in PoS, if miner stops mining/working, their rewards stop... full stop! In Capitalism the capitalist goes on permanent holidy, does no work yet gets the rewards. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT CAPITALISM IS DESIGNED FOR, to allow people with CAPITAL, why the system is called CAPITAL-ism, to just buy and own businesses, and get profits from it. Also, I want to talk about Venezuela, and you people making these false claims that it was Socialism that created this situation. First of all, do you people even know that US created economic sanctions? Do you know what economic sanctions are? Do you know what effect they create? If you do know all this, then by what logic can you have the nerve to keep calling Socialism as reason for the economic hardshit Venezuelan people endure for some 5 years now, because the greatest CAPITALIST IMPERIALIST, the US, has been directly responsible for the economic sanctions!? Some people say how downfall of US is due to Socialism also... Salty made this ignorant remark... let me ask him and everyone else, exactly what Socialist policies does the US have? I can tell you what they have... NONE. Socialist policies are taxing the rich more, in US trump has reduced the tax to BUSINESSES (remember that link from above... corporations pay much less tax then the working people, yet most of the money in US goes not into socialist policies but onto bailing out CAPITALIST BUSINESSES liek PRIVATE BANKS and their OWNERS... into MILITARY AND WARS... endless wars, which Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, and tons of other nations were victim of, so again... exactly what socialist policies does the US government have? NONE! Social security, what you people call handouts is not socialist policy, transgender, feminism etc are not socialist policies, socialist policies is the state providing HEALTH care to EVERYONE, EDUCATION for EVERYONE, INFRASTRUCTURE that is used by EVERYONE, police, military (but US spends money not on deference but on AGGRESSION) and US has none of these. So you need to stop being so ignorant, because if you keep attacking Socialism, the very thing that SAVED US FROM GREAT DEPRESSION a century ago (back them US in fact HAD SOCIALISM, even COMMUNIST PARTIES and WORKER UNIONS which were very strong, and all of them case as EFFECT of cause of capitalism and shit capitalist greed created). PS: me calling someone brainwashed is NOT a name calling, it is a state of mind. Calling names does not make the argument wrong either, I asked Salty to explain if me calling names some BTC or BCH supporter makes me in the wrong, and I couldn't get a reply. Of course it doesn't make me wrong or lose the argument. Being brainwashed is when your perception is fabricated from false ideas which are not based on truth. The very definitions and explanations of what capitalism is, by the capitalist system and its establishment (which, remember, they OWN ALL FORMS OF MEDIA which makes them CONTROL THE NARRATIVE... ring any bells???) are FALSE, I just gave you enough to think about to see this, but I know you guys are still very brainwashed by this propaganda, that it will take you a while (maybe many years) to see what I am trying to point out to you. Only once you start to see that all Capitalism is PRIVATISATION and nothing else, then you should be able to see this system in very different light. Bitcoin system rules are defined and coded to be very specific and strict, capitalist rules are pretty much non-existant, its free for all, those who have no morals, no ethics, who are psychopaths and sociopaths, who see business and BUSINES ONLY, people who are most greedy and hungry for power, are the people that will end up on top, and this is exactly what we have today.... all those CRONIES have end up CONTROLLING EVERYTHING, and it is because the PRIVATISATION allowed them to systematically extract wealth create by work of others... Bitcoin does no such thing, while you can build a capitalist business on top of Bitcoin system the Bitcoin system of production, products being the blocks, this is not possible. Craig understood this very well, which is why he had to use PoW and not PoS based system, he knows PoS creates OLUGARCHY, which is exactly what Capitalism created. Reason US is attacking Venezuela economically and creating terrorism there (I guess you don't know they have been doing this also) is because Venezuelan government has decided to replace PRIVATISATION of natural resources (OIL) and NATIONALISE IT... SOCIALISE IT... and this is why US has been attacking them, its not Socialism failiing, its CAPITALISM ATTACKING THEM BECAUSE THE CAPITALIST OLIGACRHY IN AMERICA WANT THEIR CONTROL OF THEIR OIL AGAIN !!!! DO YOU GET IT NOW????