
( - )
2022-01-15 17:07:32
2,078 B

10 Outputs

Total Output:
  • jrun relayx.ioMà{"in":1,"ref":["cdea2c203af755cd9477ca310c61021abaafc135a21d8f93b8ebfc6ca5f95712_o1"],"out":["f771eb969e7191b6c79a77e6e3051bdcc752828d219414dfa169d443c62966b4"],"del":[],"cre":[],"exec":[{"op":"CALL","data":[{"$jig":0},"updateMetadata",[{"audio":"_o2","description":"PAWGs on chain. 'On-Chain' Melody by Hiki.\n\nHiki wrote this little tune in the summer of '21 when she was sat in her garden practicing banjo rolls. She noticed a little songbird(a juvenile robin) hopping around a few feet away and it seemed to be enjoying the music. She went inside and grabbed a guitar and came up with this tune and she played it for the little creature. It came back every day for weeks and she had mealworms and her guitar waiting for it. It would feed and then just hang around for 10 -15 mins every day.\n","image":"_o1","isCollection":false,"name":"PAWGnik Music - 'On-Chain' Melody","numbered":true,"royalties":[{"address":"1FuSMaj8c3cR6RT8f1gsvRwDrXx8douXpV","royalty":0.07}],"symbol":"NFT"}]]}]}
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