
( - )
2019-02-02 11:45:26
2,982 B

2 Outputs

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  • jm ×nvo|zØíQ{Ç:#\dJŸ©ÆÏ<&C¤âMX1 MM´ Here's another thing for you to think about... your whole society, which is driven by CAPITAL-ism, is pushing for INDIVIDUALISM (which is not the same as INDIVIDUALITY), which is OPPOSITE to UNITY. Your country has a label of "UNITED States of America" and its same for your NATO / War mongering / Capitalist / Imperialist friends in "UNITED Kingdom"... you both have this term UNITED, but its not you, the people who are united... its the Capitalists who are united... AGAINST YOUR OWN INTERESTS... you are brainwashed to be INDIVIDUALISTIC (not as individuals, again, they are not the same thing.. if you don't know this, you should look it up) meaning to look after yourself only, to not care and not get involved in other people's issues, lives, etc... it made you become ANTI-SOCIAL, ANTI-COMMUNITY, it made you work against your own self interests because the rich Capitalists have power because they are extremely rich, and you... the people... where is your power? YOUR POWER IS IN THE UNITY OF WORKING PEOPLE... but you don't have UNITY, you are NOT UNITED because you are INDIVIDUALISTIC... remember? This is how the whole Capitalist system brainwashed you to be anti your own self interests. There are morons on yours/org (the 8888 guy) who posted how there should be no minimum wage at all, how everyone should fight for their own wage, which only plays in the hands of the capitalists, and against the working people... and this moron has such fucked up idea because the fucker is brainwashed completely, and doesn't understand anything about SOCIAL implications of this capitalist system and having the capitalists hands untied to do as they want... logic pointed out long time ago that capitalist will look after their own interests only, and that is exactly what they did, and still doing. And so, not only is the minimum wage a MUST, a high minimum wage is even better... when people in other nations DO THE OPPOSITE TO WHAT AMERICANS ARE DOING... look... THEY GET A MUCH BETTER OUTCOME FOR THEIR PEOPLE! Do you get it? Naaa.... I think you will remain dumb your whole lives... only newer generations can pick up on this as they will feel first hand the shit that your brainwashed generation has left for them... because you are IDIOTS that can't use critical thinking. (PS: also for the remaining BCH supporters... just look how nice it is when BSV guys take out all the artificial limits... I am able to write nice long posts... having enough space to properly express my own ideas... sorry but your ABC devs screwed you over also, same how US government screws their own people... and most people STILL DON'T GET IT... they still think Capitalism is great and shit)