
( - )
2024-03-27 22:09:31
1,267 B

2 Outputs

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  • j"1LAnZuoQdcKCkpDBKQMCgziGMoPC4VQUckM÷<div class="post">I'm really tired and I have work tomorrow so this will be my final post for possibly 18 hours but I see what you're saying--your ability to generate bitcoins will inevitably be reduced because people with high-power server farms will take over production.<br/><br/>But when the first system-wide "halving" of bitcoins occurs there will be 10,500,000 while the server farms get started on the 5,200,000.<br/><br/>This means twice as many bitcoins will be available via exchange than via creation.&nbsp; If some CPU farmer determines that in now takes double his resources to make bitcoins and thus doubles his exchange rate for his fresh product, he is very likely to be underbid by the people controlling the 10,500,000 because of the time value of money.<br/><br/>You said "only and idiot would sell at 19% interest rates" (paraphrase) but in a free market, somebody HAS to be willing to sell for there to even BE an interest rate, people willing to exchange value today for value tomorrow.</div> text/html