
( - )
2020-02-04 07:24:26
1,005 B

4 Outputs

Total Output:
  • j"19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAutM™# 5 Ways I think you can 'cheat' Bitqa I'm not in favor of cheating the system, but here are some ways I think you can cheat the system. Maybe the creator sees this and thinks of a fix. 1) Make multiple Moneybutton accounts to vote. This is key. 2) Create a lot of interesting questions on which people can add bounties with #1 account. 3) Answer with a decent answer with #2 account. 4) Upvote the hell out of it with #3 # 4 etc acounts. 5) Take the bounty, as you are the one who decides who gets the bounty. Take your own bounty, plus the others. Profit! I do not recommend this method, but it should be effective. It's just not ethical. Hope this answers. text/markdownUTF-8