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2019-01-24 00:05:52
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  • jM•Introduction to BlackNetYour name has come to our attention. We have reason to believe you may beinterested in the products and services our new organization, BlackNet, hasto offer.BlackNet is in the business of buying, selling, trading, and otherwisedealing with *information* in all its many forms. We buy and sell information using public key cryptosystems with essentiallyperfect security for our customers. Unless you tell us who you are (pleasedon't!) or inadvertently reveal information which provides clues, we haveno way of identifying you, nor you us. Our location in physical space is unimportant. Our location in cyberspaceis all that matters. Our primary address is the PGP key location:"BlackNet<[email protected]>" and we can be contacted (preferablythrough a chain of anonymous remailers) by encrypting a message to ourpublic key (contained below) and depositing this message in one of theseveral locations in cyberspace we monitor. Currently, we monitor thefollowing locations: alt.extropians,, and the"Cypherpunks" mailing list.BlackNet is nominally nondideological, but considers nation-states, exportlaws, patent laws, national security considerations and the like to berelics of the pre-cyberspace era. Export and patent laws are often used toexplicity project national power and imperialist, colonialist statefascism. BlackNet believes it is solely the responsibility of a secretholder to keep that secret--not the responsibilty of the State, or of us,or of anyone else who may come into possession of that secret. If asecret's worth having, it's worth protecting.BlackNet is currently building its information inventory. We are interestedin information in the following areas, though any other juicy stuff isalways welcome. "If you think it's valuable, offer it to us first."- trade secrets, processes, production methods (esp. in semiconductors)- nanotechnology and related techniques (esp. the Merkle sleeve bearing)- chemical manufacturing and rational drug design (esp. fullerines andprotein folding)- new product plans, from children's toys to cruise missiles (anything on"3DO"?)- business intelligence, mergers, buyouts, rumorsBlackNet can make anonymous deposits to the bank account of your choice,where local banking laws permit, can mail cash directly (you assume therisk of theft or seizure), or can credit you in "CryptoCredits," theinternal currency of BlackNet (which you then might use to buy _other_information and have it encrypted to your special public key and posted inpublic place).If you are interested, do NOT attempt to contact us directly (you'll bewasting your time), and do NOT post anything that contains your name, youre-mail address, etc. Rather, compose your message, encrypt it with thepublic key of BlackNet (included below), and use an anonymous remailerchain of one or more links to post this encrypted, anonymized message inone of the locations listed (more will be added later). Be sure to describewhat you are selling, what value you think it has, your payment terms, and,of course, a special public key (NOT the one you use in your ordinarybusiness, of course!) that we can use to get back in touch with you. Thenwatch the same public spaces for a reply.(With these remailers, local PGP encryption within the remailers, the useof special public keys, and the public postings of the encrypted messages,a secure, two-way, untraceable, and fully anonymous channel has been openedbetween the customer and BlackNet. This is the key to BlackNet.)A more complete tutorial on using BlackNet will soon appear, in plaintextform, in certain locations in cyberspace.Join us in this revolutionary--and profitable--venture. BlackNet<[email protected]>