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2020-10-07 16:13:32
1,542 B

4 Outputs

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  • j"1NF7i6ZoMDXaJ2Q5M9QFriH74ya6r6vP8u9Use one of the Blockchain APIs to get the address balanceM–You can get balance of an address from most of the blockchain APIs. On [WhatsOnChain](https://whatsonchain.com/) you could rely on [address balance](https://developers.whatsonchain.com/#get-balance) endpoint to do this. Assuming that the website knows the address and the funding goal you can get the balance and display the progress bar based on that. There are also exchange rate APIs should you prefer to display the progress in fiat terms (most exchanges have some kind of price API and so does [WhatsOnChain](https://developers.whatsonchain.com/#exchange-rate)). Limitation here is that you are only using a single address for the funding campaign. If you'd decide to use separate address for every contribution you could use HD keys to generate addresses. When using HD keys it is possible to extract only the information needed to derive public keys (without sharing private key info). Your website could use that to derive list of possible addresses and check their balances using the API and sum them up. [MoneyButton docs have some good info on HD keys](https://docs.moneybutton.com/docs/bsv-hd-public-key.html). This is the simplest solution in my opinion.