
( - )
2020-06-28 06:14:10
2,168 B

4 Outputs

Total Output:
  • j"1NF7i6ZoMDXaJ2Q5M9QFriH74ya6r6vP8u:This is the way we did it on Zixo wallet(will be out soon)MLet's say we have two parties here, you(user) and a merchant(service provider) 1. You create a transaction(tx1) to the multisig address with the requirement of two signature for spending(which you and the service provider have the keys but you don’t hand it over to the service provider or broadcast it to the network, you just give the txid(with enough info for using it as UTXO) to the service provider and tell him to use this txid as a UTXO and creates a new tx(tx2) to your address with a nlocktime of one day(for example) and a non-final sequence number, and signs his part and gives it to you. 2. When you receive the tx2, you broadcast tx1 and tx2(the second one is optional and is better to be broadcasted later). 5. So, now you have paid some money to a channel and will get the money back in one day if you don’t sign any other version of the tx2 6. Now you request a chunk of the data(here the service is data streaming), and the provider tells you: to receive that, you need to pay 1000 satoshis to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX address. You update the tx2 with no nlocktime and final sequence number, then partially sign it and send it to the service provider. The service provider DOESN’T broadcast this transaction because if he does, the channel will be closed. 7. After receiving the confirmation of the payment, the service provider sends the data to you with the price of the next chunk of data 8. This process can continue until the channel is empty(no money on the multisig address) 9. Finally one of the parties decides to close the channel(for example user closes his application). In this case, the provider broadcasts the latest version of tx2 and receives his money, if the provider doesn’t broadcast any of tx2 transactions, the money will go back to the user after one day.